Top Ways to Encourage Ecommerce Customer Loyalty in 2017

Top Ways to Encourage Ecommerce Customer Loyalty in 2017

Top Ways to Encourage Ecommerce Customer Loyalty in 2017

Long ago, it used to be the scenario when you desired to buy things visiting all over your place to get the most reliable prices. With the advancement of internet use and the popularity of different social media channels, sellers are fighting to take your Ecommerce venture successfully. You can also research how to promote your brand through social media networks.

Today is an ideal time to provide your present loyalty program to gain more attention instead of waiting for tomorrow. Also, it is the perfect time to begin a new venture.

So, what are your company doing to keep users engaged and buyers visit your website for purchase repeatedly?

Just developing an e-commerce website and relaxing does not help. You need to follow some techniques to encourage Ecommerce customer loyalty.

Are you aware of those techniques? If not, let me help you.

Follow these top ways to encourage Ecommerce customer loyalty in 2017

1. Build a reliable brand

The brand speaks your business, and it is important to bring up a strong, recognizable brand that instantly provides your visitors information about your products. This must be constant over all the online channels like social media platforms and all.

Focus on these points:

  • Colours

Use a strong and consistent colour that speaks about your brand. Get help from colour psychology for more colour information for your brand.

  • Logos and artwork

Use logos and artwork everywhere in your online presence. It should represent the main objective of your brand.

  • Tone of Voice

It is essential when you plan your website and techniques. It would help if you targeted for an approachable tone.

  • Brand personas

It is helpful to facilitate your brand with a personality and turn it into a practically existing thing, and people connect with it in a better way.

  • Buyer identities

Build buyer personas to develop and change the tone to go along with the target demographic. You can discourse the visitors naturally. This will have a true impression on your business, and your website can be trusted.

2. Treat customers like a family

Family is always there for you and are always ready to solve the issues you get. Try to treat your customers like family, help them solve their issues. This is where online customer support comes to help.

There are many live chat tools to figure out what your consumers are doing on your web page. This helps to use insight and provide them instant help. And, while customers click expired links or problems exploring the page, you can reach them instantly and take them out of the problem.

3. Develop your social media standing

Today, social media has become one of the powerful weapons to make your brand popular in the competitive stratosphere. Remember, they can also damage your brand reputation, so it is better to use them wisely. Updating motivating thoughts, enjoyable and exciting posts will be rewarded with more, share, like and lots of followers.

Indeed, social media platforms are an operative type of “word of mouth” marketing since users like and share your business page with their circles. I request you not to delete negative messages or comments but rather try to solve the problem positively.

4. Develop loyalty through offers

Discounts and special offers are always precious to reward customers and assure they stay loyal to your brand. Do not misuse it; offer them special occasions or bonuses for consumers to share your social media page and products.

These days, re-marketing has become popular in e-commerce websites, and you can use it to re-marketing the social media users that have explored your website but have not purchased anything.

Make complete use of Google Analytics if you are willing to get familiar with customer behaviour on your website and check for the changes that can influence more purchases.

5. Personalisation

Everyone knows the most popular website Amazon. After a few days of exploring the website, you receive an e-mail with product details and other products that you viewed or bought. This is called personalization; it mostly works to improve customer faithfulness.

Many website audiences are now smart to understand the first name field and how to get the newsletter; they still like to receive personal mail based on their interest and discounts on the type of products they admire.

As I mentioned before, customers want to get a better shopping experience like in a physical shop and connect with you there. They want to feel special, and it’s your duty to appreciate them and greet them with personalisation.

6. Focus on smooth sales mostly at checkout

Based on the Kissmetrics report, about 47% of customers want the website to load in 2 seconds. They do not desire a website that loads slowly. It is better to prioritise website speed, bugs, or any other unnecessary barriers that make your customer away from your business.

It would help if you focused on delivering an ideal checkout practice as there is nothing more frustrating than using the cart, signing up and receiving your credit card and then knowing the checkout form does not function. There are many tools to analyze your checkout, and they are ClickTale (to show your stats on user experience), and another is A/B testing to find the improvement that brings out the best conversion.

7. Content is key

Quality content really matters. The main aim of developing content is to reinforce your brand message and company position the consultant of its niche. Most E-commerce websites do not focus on blogs or news regarding the products, but they harm their brand as it keeps your users engaging with your website. You can also use content with infographics, images, and videos to keep the product together.

For an e-commerce website, customer loyalty is necessary to make sure you are strong enough to compete in today’s competitive online market. It is essential to engage your customer through social networking platforms, email, content, and a special offer to make sure they will share your brand with their friends.

Wrapping Up,

I hope you are familiar with the top ways to encourage Ecommerce customer loyalty in 2017. The main point is you should focus on customer experience. Think about every way to interact with your brand. Also, be sure you get a positive experience with all those techniques. It is ideal for developing a positive experience about your brand. And maximize the chance that customers and friends share your brand with their circles.
