Importance of Website Planning and Developing Your Own Blueprint
How much are you focused on planning?
Most of the business owners just start their business without giving time to build proper plan. Anything you do either develop a website, build a house or initiate marketing campaign, it is essential to make time for planning and then it will be easy for you to execute those plans.
Most of the individuals take planning as a time-consuming approach and they just ignore it. However, it should not be ignored as it provides some important value to your work. And, if you develop a website without spending time to plan may create obstacles and you may have to carry out repeatedly. This will waste both time and money.
Well, there are lots of things to consider while developing a website. At first, you have to look for some ideal ways that make your website better. While talking about website planning, there are some major things to consider and assure you have time to look after these things and build website with great achievement.
Top keys to consider while carrying out website planning
- Determine your website goal
When you start working on a project, it is essential to set goal at first. Developing a website without a proper goal is useless as it makes you difficult to reach your destination.
If you are unaware about what you desire to accomplish you just develop a site that is less informative or with wrong information. Also, it lets you get back sometimes when the website is launched and evaluate your ROI (Return On Investment). You do not have to spend lots of time to set a goal.
- Identify the target audience for your website
You are definitely developing website for your customers. Right??
So, are you aware of their preferences to browse your website and review information?
Are they interested in your content?
These are the question that you need to research on, earlier than analyze than thinking about other things. It is essential to recognize your audiences and you make your website live based on their choice preferences. For this, you have to try your best to make your website available on the popular search engine where they are likely to search for the information they are seeking for. It keeps your targeted audiences visit your website and influence them to share it among their circle.
- Build call to action for your website
Do you know the reason behind successful website?
Yes, they have appealing call to action button within their web pages. If you do not let your customers take an action, then you cannot expect them to do according to your desire.
If one of your website goals is to make website visitors subscribe to your daily newsletter, then one of your call to action button should be about “subscribe our daily newsletter”. And, if you want to boost the traffic of your website, then you can write another call to action as “Share this page”. Your visitors may not know about your goals from the website but if you use call to action button then you can accomplish your goal easily.
Better add some call to action button on your web pages. Truly adding clear and readable CTA surely helps you reach your website goal without any trouble.
- Importance of website navigation
How much are you serious about navigation design?
There are lots of websites created ignoring navigation design. This makes users to explore the web pages while landing on a website. They may not have idea getting the information they are looking for.
If you do not think about navigation design earlier than developing website, then you are making your audiences away from your business website. This compels your visitors to leave your website with high bounce rate. Make sure you do not confuse your users, adding lots of pathways that directs to the same page. Keeping it on a top, left or right navigation bar for your home page is okay.
- Develop a keyword list for your website
Carrying out SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is essential to make your website popular among your targeted audiences. Better focus on quality website traffic, because you need to have users who use your services and makes some conversion on your website. You build website to carry out your goal properly. And, you can only achieve your goals if you influence right traffic.
To get the right traffic to your website you have to assemble a keyword list together. There are lots of ideal tools to find out the right keyword relevant to your business. You can also go for Google Keyword Tool.
What is website Blueprint?
You must be aware of the blueprint of your house. Website blueprint is also alike the blueprint that you make for your house. It consists of a set of plans, allowing the builder to construct website easily while restraining unexpected obstacles that may ascend if you do not think about planning before developing a website.
Your website blueprint should have
- Sufficient information about your website
• Plan for all the web pages on your site from the home page to other key pages with detail so that developer can use the information while developing a website.
Major components for website blueprint
Certainly, you have to spend lots of time and dedication to create a proper website blueprint. But you should not worry about it, as it saves the time of your web developer while developing website as they will have plans to work and implement their plan of development work.
Every website consists of three major elements. They are Architecture, Content and Design. If you failed to include any of these elements in the website, then you may get trouble with the overall functionality of your site. They are connected with one another and if one of them does not work properly then others have to suffer.
1.Website Architecture
It is alike the bone arrangements of the body as it produces the complete shape of a website. There are some website architecture and thinking about them before you develop website will save both your time and effort during website construction. Better keep an architectural element same for every page of your website.
Website architecture element:
- Main Navigation Buttons
The main navigation button should be placed on the top of the website.
- Main Content Area
It is kept within the web page and covers the complete page.
- Right/Left Sidebars
You can have right/left sidebar of the web page and also get plugins or other navigation buttons in the sidebar.
- Image Slider
Better get an image slider for your website and research the place to place it properly.
- Footer
The footer is a key component of a website, but they are mostly ignored. Better add a navigation button in your footer and think about the way you are going to position and display it.
2.Website Content
Website content is the main organ that speaks about your business and the website. Creating a web content properly, surely drives your website to the road of success.
Your content should:
- Include both engaging and educational information
•Optimized for search engine
•Develop in a way that organically influences your users to visit the website repeatedly
•Arranged in a way that lets your reader get any information you desire to carry out
•Appeal reader to your CTC button
Do not rush to write content. Instead, research and gibe some time to develop content and throughout the website planning stage. You can make all the essential updates prior to the website is launched. Make sure you make enough time to develop ideal content relevant to the niche of your website.
3.Website Design
Website design is the overall appearance of the site that is presented to the users who visits the website. You must be familiar with the importance of developing successful website for both business as well as personal purpose.
Just like the phrase “First impression is the last impression” design of your website is the first thing that most of the user notices while browsing your website.
Some important website design element:
- Navigation Button Colors
Better change the navigation button colours, while they click on the web page to help the reader to recognize which page they are presently on.
- Site Logo
Place the logo where your users can notice and identify easily.
- Web Content Images
In the content of your web page, images must be employed as graphic supports for the information that are deliberated. Determine the images can be used in the content of all the website pages.
- Website Colors
Think about the colour that makes your website meaningful. Select background and font colour that attracts to your target users and support your website main objective.
Wrapping Up,
Website planning and blueprints are the terms which are essential for the website builders. You may think it as time-consuming but trust me it comes to your help and minimizes your task in the upcoming days.
If you are good at communication and talk to your clients about the planning and blueprint, then they will surely get impressed with your work.
Also, your web design project goes smoothly than you expect. So, I suggest you for planning your website before you start building. It makes your working process easier with less trouble.